Anyone up for Urban Hen Classes?

Sorry, I've been decompressing since the passage of the ordinance here in Fort Collins.  Now we need to regroup and plan for the spring! I'd like to hear from anyone interested in helping to organize the first in a series of classes for the beginning hen owner.  I was thinking something along the lines of:  Your First Coop:  Making a Cozy Home for the Girls.  Please contact me @ fortcollinshens(at)  I look forward to hearing from you!

Support our friends to the south...

With Fort Collins, Boulder, Loveland, Denver, and Lyons all allowing urban hens, it came as quite a surprise to me to learn that our friends in Longmont are having a harder time getting their city council to make the change.  Please check out to keep tabs on the progress of their efforts to bring urban hens to Longmont.  Please help them out in any way you can.