Chicken Night at the Bean Cycle!!

Todd Simmons is graciously hosting Chicken Night at the Bean Cycle/Matter Bookstore on August 7th @ 7:00pm. The PBS special "The Natural History of the Chicken" will be shown as well as a panel of speakers yet to be determined.
We will also be selling t-shirts to support our efforts and to spread the word about the benefits of raising chickens in your own back yard. The design has been finalized and is now at the printer. We hope to have them ready for Chicken Night.

Petitioning at Old Town Farmers' Market and Other Good Stuff

I got a report back that the petition drive at the Old Town Farmers' Market went well today. Many thanks to Lori Van Skike and Teresa Redmond-Ott for getting 47 new signatures!!

There are lots of folks with some great ideas out there. Kent is suggesting a "Local Chicken Underground feeds the Hungry" event and working on legitimizing the Tour de Coop. Todd is planning a 'chicken night' at the Bean Cycle. Emily suggested a t-shirt to spread the word!! Several folks gave some great feedback on the t-shirt ideas. It feels good to hear so many great ideas. Let's work together to make sure they happen!!

As always, let people know that the issue is still not resolved, and that they need to contact their city council reps...

Urban Hen Awareness Campaign Underway!!

At our planning meeting before the 4th Holiday, we decided that our main focus should be a "public education campaign" to promote the Urban Hen Initiative.

The petition is being revamped to address FAQs and focus on Fort Collins residents only. This time we want to submit it to the city formally with our info packet. The final date for submissions is Aug 20th, so we need to hit the streets, so to speak. We would encourage people to distribute the petition at as many public events as possible between now and then. The Neighborhood Night Out was brought up as an excellent opportunity to bring up the issue for discussion.

We have an Urban Hen Coalition T-shirt Contest going on until Friday the 18th at 5:00pm. Please submit ideas to fortcollinshens(at) Details on final prices and the winning design will follow.

Please continue to talk to others about the Urban Hen Initiative, write Letters to the Editor, and contact your City Council reps. We need to keep this issue in front of the public.

Many thanks to all of those who made it to the organizing meeting! Keep up the good work.